Kite School Booking System


Kite School Booking System is the perfect tool for managing your kite school. With it, you can create a reservation system that will allow your customers to book their lessons with just one click! It comes with all the tools you need to manage reservations, schedule classes, and even send out emails when new reservations have been made.

Kite School Booking System is a modern, fully responsive site that looks great on all devices. It uses CSS3 animations and provides a smooth user experience thanks to the jQuery enhancements.

As of v2.0 Kite School Booking System also comes with a brand new design! You can choose from four different color schemes, each available in light and dark versions.

The importance of a Kite School booking System

One of the most important features of the Kite School Booking System is the reservation system. You can easily block out dates on your calendar when you’re not available, allowing customers to only book the days that are actually open. The reservation system function relies on a jquery date picker, which makes it very user-friendly. In addition, you can easily add or change reservations from the management panel, so you’ll never have to worry about getting behind!

Kite School Booking System is equipped with a class overview section. Here, you can see all the classes that are currently scheduled for the day. It also shows how many students are registered for each class, if they have paid or not, and how much they need to pay for the reservation. On top of that, you can also see when students have checked in and when they’re supposed to arrive. All this information together makes it very easy for you to manage your classes!

Kite School Booking System also comes with a comprehensive management panel and digital waivers where you can easily add, edit or delete reservations. You can also view all the new reservations that were made during the day. With the management panel at your disposal, you’ll have full control over the reservations in your kite school!

Why you should need a booking system for your kite school

Whether it’s for your kite school, surf school, or any other kind of sports training facility, Kite School Booking System is the perfect tool for you. You can use it to create a smooth reservation system that will make it easier for customers to find an available slot at your location, and be sure always to have enough time to schedule their lessons.